7 ZIP for DOS "How to.."

This is a page for suggest how use 7Zip win32 bit distribution in plain DOS.


1) You must have installed on your system the HX DOS EXTENDER from Japheth, and setting your PATH environement for "view" it. If you dont'have installed HX EXTENDER, you can download the last version of HXRT and HXGUI from HERE;

2) Download from 7ZIP site the last release for Win 32, and expand it in your preferred folder;

3) Delete ALL files EXCEPT: 7z.exe, 7-zip.dll, 7z.dll, 7zcon.sfx;

4) From DOS prompt invoke: PESTUB -v -w -s 7z.exe;

5) If all work fine, you receive a message regarding the change in 7z.exe executable. Invoke now from DOS prompt : 7z | more. The return from executable is the list of commands page by page. If don't work, referring to HX documentation;

6) Now copy all files in a directory "view" from DOS, like C:\DOS, or add the 7zip directory to path (ie. PATH C:\7zip);

7) You can now use the all function of this powerfull programs and enjoy the high compression rate and multi format expansion capabilty.

Download 7ZIP for DOS: click here.

2008/02/24 IW2EVK Roberto Perotti